Stranger Things - stringing it all together.

Writer’s often love to allegorize when creating their work; often key names or places provide clues to the plot, give us key insight into idiosyncrasies of a character or quite simply describe the ‘function’ of the place or character.

So are the writers of Stranger things giving us clues to what Stranger things is all about or are the things I point out below just simply coincidental?

Clue 1: It’s all in the name.

Let’s take a look at the name first – Stranger Things – yes, things are very strange in Hawkins, but looks at the words. STR anger th  ING s  - right there in the title you can see STRING.

Clue 2: Really? Hawkins?

OK so perhaps a bit of a stretch, or not? Stephen William Hawking – perhaps the most widely known theoretical physicist and cosmotologist in the world today – Hawkins, Hawking – very close, and surely a homage to this great man. Of course Professor Hawking might know a thing or two about STRING theory.

Clue 3: Will Byers

Will Myers is arguably one of the most intriguing characters of the series and is tied in with everything that is going on in terms of the gate and the potential paradoxical physics that is being explained. Intriguingly, there is a Canadian mathematician William P Byers who writes about ambiguity in Mathematics.

In his book ‘The Blind Spot: Science and the Crisis of UncertaintyByers writes about how our scientific and mathematical understanding is somewhat blinkers and how we must learn to essentially consider the ambiguities and paradoxes we see and see understanding – by seeing the beauty we can find insight into many things.

Paradoxes, STRING theory and beauty all link together in Stranger things.

Clue 4: Nancy Wheeler

Guess what – there’s a Wheeler-DeWitt equation in STRIING theory.


Many people have already commented on the idea of String Theory, paradoxes and the link to Stranger Things – it seems that not only does the script point to String Theory but so do the characters and place names.

I am sure that I can find many more tenuous links with the character names, places etc. If you want to prove a theory you will find evidence - the question is, is this purely a coincidence or a commentary of the thoughts of the writers?


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